March 19, 2014

Carbonation Myths Debunked

We all hear them. These wild facts flying around about what we should or should not put in our bodies. When the information hits close to home, we decide to hit you with some knowledge! So here is a list of myths about carbonation that are just fizz!


1. Carbonation leaches calcium from your bones!


This myth is only connected to soda drinking. It actually comes from a study where the test subjects either drank carbonated or distilled water for an entire 8 week period. Luckily, results came back equal for all participants. We say: Why mess with soda at all when a healthy alternative exists?


2. Carbonation will rot your teeth!


Drinking all those bubbles can’t be healthy for your teeth can it? Carbonation will make your teeth deteriorate and fall out, won’t it? Nope, you’re in luck! Carbonation itself has not been linked to tooth decay. Scientists even went as far to soak teeth in still and carbonated water, and still there were zero findings of harmful effects to the teeth. BOOM!


3. Does carbonation cause cellulite?


No, carbonation does not cause cellulite. This myth is usually related to high caloric and sugary drinks. Lucky for you at Something Natural all of our tasty drinks have 30 calories and seven grams of sugar per bottle, keeping you looking great and cellulite free.


4. Carbonation is harmful to your stomach!


They say those highly carbonated beverages are just tearing apart your insides. Don’t believe everything everyone tells you. Carbonation is not destructive to your stomach or throat. Several studies were completed to support this. One study took dozens of subjects with indigestion and divided them into two groups. Group 1 drank a liter and a half of still water every day and the Group 2 drank a liter and a half of carbonated water. When two weeks passed, almost all of the people who were drinking carbonated water actually reported less indigestion.


In conclusion, have no fear of fun refreshing bubbles! It’s time to clear our minds of all assumptions and myths related to carbonation. Something Natural is a refreshing beverage consisting of far less calories and sugar than your average drink brand. The words healthy and natural can stand strong alongside carbonation.


Tags: All Natural All Natural Beverage carbonation drink myths Flavored Sparkling Water Healthy Beverage Healthy Living Hydrate
